_________________________________________________________________________________ We had an open community discussion about the Mentor’Schip project, scope, upcoming goals and overall progress made for the year. Cedar Mills Community Library this Friday (July 20, 2018) from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Address: 12505 NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR We would love to meet you, make introductions and see if this is something that you’d have time to help bring to life. Check out our MeetUp Page for specific meeting information for this and upcoming events! MeetUp Link: http://meetu.ps/e/FxCP0/F4NkR/f _________________________________________________________________________________ On Saturday, April 7, 2018 Mentor’S¢hip held its first open discussion to educate the merits of early financial planning and self investment opportunities for young learners pursuing academic and professional goals. We introduced the mission, vision, and values of Mentor’S¢hip; its growing community we are striving to bring forth and discussed the need/role of actual mentors in the digital age to come. Finally, our small group of 5 mentors contributed its first Scholar’S¢hip, equivalent to $20, to a young learner age 10 named Jaden. He hopes to become a professional basketball player but also has high interest in the STEAM fields. Overall we had a great EVENT an impact-full discussion! Contact Us directly at [email protected] for information about our next event!
8/17/2022 12:00:54 am
Financial planning & self investment can help you to develop yourself.
8/17/2022 07:07:53 am
Thanks Reese for your comment. And you are absolutely right. At Mentor$chip we are trying new ways to help students understand how financial planning and self investment can help in their early development years and greatly improve their livelihoods.
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